
Get Featured on MoneyTV!

Build your Business - Grow your Brand
Streamline Profitability!

Climb the Rankings!

  • Influencer!
  • Authority!
  • Celebrity!
We specialize in helping Business Owners and Entrepreneurs move up the Ladder of Success! 
Our 3-step process is proven and easy to follow. Get started TODAY!

branding your business!

Appearing on MoneyTV gives you the opportunity to create a professional 5-6 minute interview you use on your website as an explainer video! Then, promote your business and brand by pushing it out on Social Media to Tens of Thousands of viewers ... YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TickTock, etc.!

Pictured here, Founder of MoneyTV, Don Baillargeon with guests Ray Smith, current host, and Brian Tally, a Military Vet who appeared to promote a bill he passed regarding Veteran's Accountability. 
Brand, Brand, Brand!
Promote, Promote, Promote!

Be Featured on Get Down to Business 
with Kevin Harrington!

Business Owners and Entrepreneurs!  Come and get Featured on Get Down to Business with Kevin Harrington on The Fox Business Network! 
Whether your a Startup or an Established Business,  we help get you in front of Millions of Viewers on National Television!

"Getting my products and services on National Television was the Ultimate Game Changer for my Business!  Now, I want to help You experience this Same Success!" - Kevin H.
Brand, Brand, Brand!
Promote, Promote, Promote!
Fundable for Life client Featured on Get Down to Business with Kevin Harrington!
Hear what they have to say!
"Wow! Kevin Harrington is an amazing businessman and entrepreneur.  We learned so much from him and can't wait to implement his advice into our business model. If you are a business owner, you need to do whatever it takes to spend time with Kevin and his team of business experts. We can't recommend it enough! Being on his TV show "Get Down to Business with Kevin Harrington" is a total game changer and it's going to help launch our Company and social media marketing campaign to the next level.  Thank you Fundable for Life and Ray Smith for providing the opportunity to work with Kevin Harrington! The benefits from his tremendous coaching and mentorship will last a lifetime. - GoLots Technologies

Be Featured in Digital & Print Media!


Plus ... News Blast Press Release on:
NBC, ABC, FOX, CBS, Yahoo! News and Many More Affiliates!


Social Media Utilization

We push your Featured Interviews and Publications onto both the MoneyTV and 
Kevin Harrington Social Media and YouTube Channels which is seen by the Thousands!!!


Take action - get the funding Your
business needs ... today!!!

Utilize our A.I. SAME-DAY Funding Hack!

Take Control of your Business Funding!
Grow Your Business and Capitalize on
Growth & Investments...

"Schedule a call and speak to a Specialist so you don't miss this incredibly unique live and highly-interactive learning experience where you will get access to the funding sources, branding channels, and experts who can help your business flourish." - Original Shark on hit series Shark Tank, Kevin Harrington.

All small businesses have setbacks and failures.  But the one thing a business can't afford is to run out of Cash.  Learn from the Experts!  Never run out of Money for your Business ever again.

Kevin has spent his whole life dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and small businesses create a Dream Team, build their brand and access capital so their business can survive the test of time.  No one can do it on their own.  By collaborating with Kevin, Ray and the entire team, you can glean information which can help you "turn decades into days."  Take Action and Let's Get Started - TODAY!
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